Game Details

Jiminy Kick It and Lick It

No Team Photo


Wins: 2
Losses: 6
Ties: 0
Runs Scored: 30
Runs Allowed: 67
Runs Scored Per Game: 3.75
Runs Allowed Per Game: 8.38


Green Right Field

6 - Horney For Life (2-6-0)
13 - Jiminy Kick It and Lick It (2-6-0)

Red Left Field

7 - Face Down Grass Up (7-2-0)
3 - Jiminy Kick It and Lick It (2-6-0)

Green Left Field

3 - Jiminy Kick It and Lick It (2-6-0)
11 - Eat My Kick Pitches (7-2-1)

Red Left Field

14 - The OG Fireballers (7-1-1)
2 - Jiminy Kick It and Lick It (2-6-0)

Red Left Field

9 - Pitches Be Crazy (6-4-0)
2 - Jiminy Kick It and Lick It (2-6-0)

Green Left Field

9 - Average Size Kicks (7-3-0)
0 - Jiminy Kick It and Lick It (2-6-0)

Green Left Field

6 - AlcoBALLics (3-6-1)
0 - Jiminy Kick It and Lick It (2-6-0)

Green Right Field

5 - Team Donkey Punch (TDP) (3-6-0)
7 - Jiminy Kick It and Lick It (2-6-0)